Szánthó Dezsõ, dezsi@gemini.ektf.hu
Eszterházy Károly Tanárképzõ
Fõiskola Oktatástechnológiai és Informatikai
Instructional application of Robot Evolution robot making and mechano-electronic building system
According to the modern pedagogy, the student's activity gets the centre, and his active participation becomes more important. The most important things of the Robot Evolution system are robot making, simulating,which has the secret of the self-discovering method.
Studying of the robots gives you wide-ranging informations. The philosophy of the building set, like an education system, is based on these informations. While the students put the robots together and program them, they can get informations from the most different places. The result-orientation, the possibility of the independent work and the new theme keep the motivating in a high level, so informations are secured effectually. You can build not only robots, but another gadgets from the building system, whatever is possible from the set.
dr. Magyar Gábor,magyar@ttt.bme.hu
BME Villamosmérnöki és Informatikai Kar
Távközlési és Telematikai Tanszék
Over the traditional hardware and software aspects a new, important feature is emerging in the planning and design of the complex information systems: orgware. The ultimate aim of these information systems is to support the various user activities. In this context software and hardware design methods and techniques exist as embedded steps in a wider (strategic) project cycle, controlled by orgware tools. Courses focusing on these topics at the Technical University of Budapest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics cover the full life cycle of projects including well known project management, structured design and object-orientated methods.
Bitay Gy., bitay@novserv.obuda.kando.hu
dr.Fehér Gy., feher@novserv.obuda.kando.hu
Géczy L., geczy@novserv.obuda.kando.hu
Kóré L., kore@novserv.obuda.kando.hu
Kandó Kálmán Mûszaki Fõiskola,
Matematikai és Számítástechnikai
Practical teaching of fuzzy control engineering in the education of informatics
In the 1995-1996 academic year the third-year students of the brench of technical informatics of Kandó Kálmán Technical College were already able to use our laboratory designed to teach fuzzy control engineering. This laboratory was sponsored by TEMPUS, but the models were made by our own resources. Within the framework of practical teaching, our students worked out and realized solutions of individual fuzzy control tasks (for example: control of crane model, water level in a basin model etc). The paper outlines the establishment of the laboratory and experiments acquared in practical teaching of fuzzy control engineering.
Dr.Erdélyi Ferenc, erdelyi@iit.uni-miskolc.hu
Dr.Tóth Tibor, toth@iit.uni-miskolc.hu
Miskolci Egyetem, Informatikai Intézet
Of late years, as a result of the rapid increasing of the domain of Information Science, numerous interdisciplinary research and application fields have evolved. Production Information Engineering is one of them, which is the scientific area of the applications suitable for planning, organizing and controlling industrial production processes. In the branch of Information Engineering of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Miskolc, Production Information Engineering is one of the facultative branch directions. The subject materials required have been under development.
Pintér István, pinter@gandalf.gamf.hu
Nagy Zoltán
Gépipari és Automatizálási Mûszaki
Fõiskola, Informatika Tanszék
Gépipari és Automatizálási Mûszaki
Fõiskola, végzõs informatika szakos hallgató
In this paper our results in teaching of the artificial neural networks (ANN) are given. After a short intro-duction the ANNs and the pattern recognition framework are summarized and the concepts used are defined. The educational results in single layer perceptron and multi layer perceptron (MLP) algorithms are discussed and the comparison of a new MLP-based algorithm and the MLP itself is given by illustrations in some well-known classification problems. The Hamming-MAXNET system is summarized succintly, and finally a new direction, the wavelet-neural network is mentioned.
Csákány Antal, csakany@ludens.elte.hu
Hevesi László, hevesi@ludens.elte.hu
Vella Péter, vella@ludens.elte.hu
ELTE - TTK Információtechnológiai Laboratórium
Physicists and physics teachers are constructive participants of a developed society. Their knowledge about electronic circuits and computer usage influences the advances of physics as pure science on one hand, - people's attitude toward everyday events and industrial development on the other. - This paper presents key figures about the number of students involved in these professions in Hungary and some statistics about the students' abilities. The aim and the short program of a special laboratory of information technology at Eötvös University is discussed in detail.
Kruzslicz Ferenc, kruzslic@ktk.jpte.hu
Janus Pannonius Tudományegyetem
Közgazdaságtudományi kar
This paper differentiates softwares on the base of their marketing strategies. We focus our attention on free softwares, and discuss how they should be used in higher education. It seems to be one of the best solutions to teach computer practice for students, but several advantages and disadvantages must be considered. This theme also needs a brief description of the Free Software Foundation, and their GNU project. SSA is the Hungarian branch of this movement. The rest of the paper deals with our experiences using free softwares on microcomputers, especially on PC platform.
Bárdos Gyula, bardos@dtp.atomki.hu
Elméleti Fizikai Tanszék, Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem
Computer experiments in the education of theoretical physics
Computers have been involved intensively in the education of theoretical physics at Lajos Kossuth Uni-versity for one and half years. The students meet them first at the Department of Theoretical Physics in the ground education of applied matematics, than on the exercises for Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Quantum mechanics and Statistical mechanics and finally they take part in specialized courses on the methods of Com-puter Simulations. The paper presents the aims and the outlines of these courses and provides a review on the collected experiences of the education.
Almási Béla, almasi@math.klte.hu
Sztrik János, jsztrik@math.klte.hu
KLTE Matematikai és Informatikai Intézet
This paper gives a short review on software tools used in teaching queueing theory at the Department of Mathematics and Informatics Lajos Kossuth University in Debrecen. Students can begin learning queueing theory in semester 8, when they have basic probability and programming grounds. The simplest queueing models can be programmed by the students in one or two semester. We use free programs to investigate complicated models and simulations. This paper introduces the MACOM software tool, one of the available free programs, developed at the University Dortmund.
Ferenczy Antal, toni@hoya.kee.hu
Vargha András, vargha@ludens.elte.hu
Kertészeti és Élelmiszeripari Egyetem
Matematika és Informatika Tanszék
Eötvös Lóránd Tudomány Egyetem
Általános Pszichológiai Tanszék
Stochastic linear models in agriculture
Antal Ferenczy,
Department of Mathematics and Informatics
Andras Vargha
Eotvos Lorand University, Department of General Psychology
In the last couple of years we have encountered numerous empirical research in agriculture where the main goal was to assess the combined effect of one or more discrete grouping factors (e.g. plant species or types, level of temperature, lightening conditions) and a continuous concomitant variable (e.g. harvest/gathering time or number of flowers) upon the general level of a continuous dependent variable (e.g. flower characteristics, morfological measures, amount of crop, content of b-glucanas, number of tubers/bulbs developed).
Assuming that the concomitant variable exerts only a linear effect on the dependent variable these problems could always been adequately handled by means of a complex analysis of covariance design with the following general model:
h = m + r + e,
where h is the dependent variable, m represents the complex linear ANOVA effect structure, r is the continuous regression effect and e is the error term.
To perform an appropriate statistical analysis we applied several statistical programs (SPSS, Statgraf, Kovarian, Ministat). Our experience was that the simpler models could very easily and effectively handled by the programs Kovarian (written by the first author) and Ministat (developed by the second author).
Arató Mátyás,arato@math.klte.hu,
Kuki Attila, kuki@math.klte.hu,
Szabó Attila, attila@math.klte.hu
Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem Információ
Technológia Tanszék Debrecen
In the '80s and early '90s a very impressive and quick growth was don ein the information technology and in the field of hardware equipments. The question arises, whether this improvement of hardware technology implies any growth in performance and quality of software applications.
Last few years a new concept has spreaded very rapidly over the world: the hypermedia.
In the first part of this work via a practical example we investigate the performance of a hypermedia based information system. The main question is, how the different tools can work together.
In the second part a numerical computation is performed. The task is to give the exact distribution of the maximum-likelihood estimator of the parameter in the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. These computations were done by Arató Mátyás in the 60's. Our job was to check that computations and to fill the table entirely out. The computations were performed on SUN workstations by the help of Maple.
Bujdosó Gyöngyi, ludens@math.klte.hu
Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem
In my paper I would like to deal with those topics of DTP the inclusion of which in the university and college curricula I deem a necessity. There is an evergrowing demand on part of the students to give an aesthetic layout to their papers and theses. Thus the training should include a course in whose framework they would be able to acquire at least the basics of the knowledge and skills for that purpose.
dr. Pitrik József, pitrik@kurrah.cab.jgytf.u-szeged.hu
Juhász Gyula Tanárképzõ Fõiskola
The representation of graphic and textual constructions is an important field of the application of informatics. There have been rapid changes on this field in the last 10 years: the usage of different softwares became general e.g. in offices, in bibliographical application, in word processing, in preparation for printing and in making. The development run on more branches, but at the same time heterogeneous machine stockand softwares appeared in the institutions of higher education because of the changes of investment and purchase. Most of the users prepared independently for the application. The experiences show that the level of the application of instruments and softwares is not adeguate in acceptable quality and efficiency even now.