Boda István, bodai@math.klte.hu
Juhász István, pici@math.klte.hu
KLTE Matematikai és Informatikai Intézet
The library and information science course in Lajos Kossuth University of Debrecen started in 1989. In this paper we shall discuss the realization of the original training goals of the course under the rapidly changing social conditions in Hungary nowadays, focusing on the information science side of the course. We try to determine the long-range strategic objectives of the course on the basis of some social and technological trends discussed in the paper, the National Basic Curriculum and the preliminary draft of the National Information Strategic Plan.
Baka Magdolna, bakam@ektf.hu
Eszterházy Károly Tanárképzõ
Fõiskola, oktatástechnológiai és informatikai
The Department of Educational Technology and Informatics of Eszterházy Károly Teachers' Training College started a correspondence course for students of Library in 1994-95. This course is specialised in informatics since more and more libraries use computers in their work. Our aim is to train specialists who are able to do their best in the so called traditional sphere. More over their knowledge and skill in informatics enables them to solve any problems with the new technology of computers.
I would like to speak about the present results and experience of the course and about our plans for the future.
Illési Éva, eillesi@hoya.kee.hu
Szemerédyné Galamb Sarolta, sgalamb@hoya.kee.hu
Zalainé Kovács Éva, ekovacs@hoya.kee.hu
Kertészeti és Élelmiszeripari Egyetem
Központi Könyvtár
In consequence of the introduction of modern methods in university education, it is not only a process of lecturing and learning by rote any more, but a process of obtaining knowledge through individual research and summarising work of students. The need for more information leads to the increased use of library . User-training helps to remove barriers to communication, helps the understanding of library terminology and the methods of scientific literature searching as well as that of up-to-date information retrieval methods.The Central Library of the University of Horticulture and Food has renewed the user-training according to the above principles and plans further improvement based on new experiences. This way, short lectures on library use held occasionally for small groups of students were replaced by real user-training in the frame of an optional subject as a semester long seminar.