Kuba Attila, kuba@inf.u-szeged.hu
JATE Alkalmazott Informatikai Tanszék
Fazekas Attila, fattila@math.klte.hu
KLTE Matematikai és Informatikai Intézet
Palágyi Kálmán, palagyi@inf.u-szeged.hu
Nagy Antal, nagya@inf.u-szeged.hu
Nyúl László, nyul@inf.u-szeged.hu
JATE Alkalmazott Informatikai Tanszék
Pethõ Attila, pethoe@peugeot.dote.hu
KLTE Matematikai és Informatikai Intézet


Nowdays, the multidimensional (i.e. higher than 2-dimensional) image processing has been a strongly developing area. One of its most important application areas is the medicine, where numerous diagnostic imaging devices (e.g., CT, MR, SPECT etc.) are able to produce 3- or even higher dimensional images. We have studied the possibility of introduction of multidimensional image processing into the subjects of Image Processing at József Attila University. First, we considered the methods of generation of such images, then the different standards accepted in the medical applications. From the processing algorithms we have dealt with the 3D skeletons, binary operations, reconstruction and registration. These topics are discussed in the education of graduated and PhD students as well.


Teczár László, tecza@kalmar2.kalmar.hu
Kalmár László Számítástechnikai Szakközépiskola


In this lecture I am dealing with a program and a book in Computer Geometry. The program and the book will be a great help in teaching geometry. The program can also used researching synthetic geometry and in illustrating publications and lectures concerned with geometry. I hope that I can present all the possibilities of this program in this lecture.


Kovács Emõd, emod@gemini.ektf.hu
Eszterházy Károly Tanárképzõ Fõiskola Számítástechnika Tanszék


This paper gives a short survey of the teaching of computer graphics at Department of Computer Science, Károly Eszterházy Teachers' Training College. The paper first deals with curriculum of informatics. After that the paper place of the computer graphics training is defined in the education of computer science and informatics. We give syllabuses of computer graphics subjects. Finally we try to collect a few experiences about the topics.


Berke József, h594ber@ella.hu
PATE Georgikon, Szaktanácsadási, Továbbképzési és Informatikai Központ, Keszthely
Kárpáti László, h593kar@ella.hu
PATE Georgikon, Szaktanácsadási, Továbbképzési és Informatikai Központ, Keszthely
Gyõrffy Katalin
PATE Georgikon, Növényvédelmi Intézet, Keszthely
Fischl Géza
PATE Georgikon, Növényvédelmi Intézet, Keszthely


Digital image processing is a rapidly evolving field with growing applications in science and engineering. The most important in connection with human and environment is the visual information, because it is very compactness. The application of digital image processing can open new possibilities in research and in developing interactive materials. The rapid development of Personal Computers, the processing of visual information is available for almost everybody. These changes can be observed in the growing number of students and users, who would like to know digital image processing.

In our lecture we are giving a short summary about the following branches: digital image processing /DIP/ in plant protection and cultivation of plants, evaluation of the agriculture experiments with image processing and DIP possibilities in the education.


Szabó József, pictron@hungary.net
Hegedûs Gy. Csaba, pictron@hungary.net
Kelemen Dezsõ, pictron@hungary.net
Bodrogi Hedvig, pictron@hungary.net
PICTRON Számítás- és Videótechnikai Kft.
Berke József, h594ber@ella.hu
PATE Georgikon, Szaktanácsadási, Továbbképzési és Informatikai Központ


Nowadays the digital image processing has turned into part of our everyday life, more and more specialist get in touch with it. As a consequence, it appears frequently amongst the subjects to be teached in higher education. Digital image processing is a fruitful topic, because it is interdisciplinary, so it is especially suitable to show the connection among the certain fields of science.

PICTRON Ltd. has previously been developed a system for teaching and practising the basics of digital image processing, that is in everyday use among others by the teaching staff of PATE (Keszthely).

The investment to develop a new, complex system was motivated by the accumulated teaching experience, the appearance of state-of-the-art multimedia development tools and the increasing demand on such systems.

The "TANKÉP" system consists of three main parts:

· a lecture based on the usage of multimedia devices,

· a program for practising the most important image processing functions,

· an examination program that contains near 1000 lecture- and practice-related questions.

The different parts of "TANKÉP" system can be started as independent programmes, but they have also a frame programme in order to form one consistent system.