Onder Zoltán,
ELTE Számítógép Hálózati
At the Eötvös Loránd University the limited capacities around the backbone-network necessitate to think about the deal again to develop the phone network where the computer and digital network has already been interweaved. Among the possible solutions the ATM serves the purposes of the ELTE most of all because it can provide the bandwidth necessary of the computer communication and it is capable of doing the necessary real time data transfer for voice communication. At our university a three switches ATM backbone network works at this moment which ensures the data and phone connections between four distant campuses with the central institutions. The distant campuses were connected to the network by optical or microwave devices.
Uherkovich Péter,
Janus Pannonius Tudományegyetem
Uherkovich, P.: The Computer Network of the University of Pécs, Hungary.
First the history of the development of network (UPNET) is introduced. The underlaying principles and the effective structure is presented briefly. The main services (backbone services, informatical ones as well as of the Novell Netware servers) are detailed. The managment of this network constitutes important part of the contribution. Finally the further developments are sketched.
Farkas János,
Kósik Péter,
Dr. Walter József,
PANNON Agrártudományi Egyetem Állattenyésztési
Kar, Kaposvár
The Information Technology Network of Higher Education was put into operation in Kaposvár during the summer of 1995. It includes three higher education institutes, the Country- and City Library as well as two secondary schools. During the presentation the structure of the network, the network devices and network services will be described. The network of the PATE, Faculty of Animal Breeding will be described in higher details which the centre of the whole network.
Dr. Buza Antal,
Miskolci Egyetem Dunaújvárosi Fõiskolai
The article presents the LAN-network of Polytechnic of Dunaújváros of Miskolc University. Placing in six buildings about 250 computers are joined in the network. The buildings are connected via optical cabling system. Inside the buildings several thin etherenet segments are builded. In the LAN PC servers (with Novell Netware, and IBM Lanserver), Unix servers (SUN and ICL team server) and IBM main-frame are used. Also Internet connection is used of course.