Tóth-Abonyi Mihály, M.Toth-Abonyi@cc.u-szeged.hu
JATE Számítóközpont


To be a webmaster seems very easy: you have to install software, copy a few pictures, and receive congratulations. In reality this work requires many skills. The main areas are: system programming, analysis and design, information gathering, composition, graphical design, marketing, product management. There are also some special tasks which are not required, for example, by our American colleagues: translation, providing general information. Usually these jobs can be shared with other people, in which case the webmaster must also be a good teacher and supervisor. In spite of this daunting list of tasks most webmasters enjoy their work.


Dr. Hajnal Judit, hajnal@ofk.dote.hu
Debreceni Orvostudományi Egyetem, Idegennyelvi Lektorátus
Dr. Agócs László, agocs@ofk.dote.hu
Debreceni Orvostudományi Egyetem, Oktatásfejlesztési Központ
Dr. Veress Gábor, veressg@cortex.dote.hu
Debreceni Orvostudományi Egyetem, PET-Centrum


The authors focus on exploiting new methods of language acquisition with the help of the possibilities offered by the Internet and WWW. As a new option for computer assisted language learning, WWW is considered to be the source of individual learning and problem oriented teaching in many other areas. Expanding knowledge parallelly in informatics and in the English language is an asset. In addition to stepping off point sites for ESL teachers and introducing some interesting examples, some criteria of constructing language teaching WWW-pages of our own are also listed.


Zentai László, laszlo.zentai@elte.hu
Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Térképtudományi Tanszék


World Wide Web can have an effect nearly all kind of science. Output oriented subjects (like cartography) can use this new kind of media much easier than other subjects. However WWW, this new "output device" requires new view, we have to keep in mind the limits of a real output device, the computer screen. Creating maps for computer screens is a known problem in cartography because of the existing digital maps, CD-ROM atlases. However the process of creating WWW oriented map images is not only a simple process of scanning or converting of existing digital map.

WWW a DOTE PET Centrumban

Veress Gábor, Balkay László, Boros István
Emri Miklós, Lehel Szabolcs, Márián Teréz
Molnár Tamás, Szakáll Szabolcs
Szeõcs István, Trón Lajos
Debreceni Orvostudományi Egyetem, PET Centrum


HUNGARY'S first and only PET scanner has been installed in Debrecen. Due to this unique position the Center receives patients from the whole country sent by several medical diagnostic centers. There are numerous benefits of extended use of features offered by the Internet. World Wide Web (WWW) can integrate several communicating and data transfer protocols into an easy to use environment without significant loss of security. This is why the Internet and the WWW has a special and even increasing role in keeping connection with our cooperatives.


dr. Orczán Zsolt, orczanz@helka.iif.hu * **
Orczán Csaba, orczanc@helka.iif.hu **
Budapesti Tanítóképzõ Fõiskola *, Magyar Elektronikus Tõzsde Internet Hírügynökség **

It will be introduced how is it possible to bild www server on the bases of an extended XT PC