Lengyel Monika,
MTA Számítástechnikai és Automatizálási
Kutató Intézete
Zalainé Kovács Éva,
Kertészeti és Élelmiszeripari Egyetem,
Központi Könyvtár
The authors discuss the building of the national computer network of the University of Horticulture and Food, Budapest. Existing subject field oriented co-operation of libraries has been enhanced by a common infrastructure developement project with aim to prepare a virtual shared catalogue system. This co-oparation has been based on the PC-TCP/IP configuration version ot the integrated library system TINLIB. Libraries ar different locations in the country are connected to each other and to Internet by the X.25 communication network about a router. System selection criteria are discussed in detail with special attention to the selection of network configuration which is the most crucial issue for the implemention of a national network.
Kuba Attila,
Alexin Zoltán,
Nagy Antal,
Nyúl László,
JATE Alkalmazott Informatikai Tanszék
Csernay László,
SZOTE Központi Izotópdiagnosztikai Laboratórium
The Picture Archiving and Communication System developed for the Medical University of Szeged (called SZOTE-PACS) is described. The main aim of the development was to provide a system that collects patient studies from different radiology imaging modalities (e.g., CT, MR, NM). SZOTE-PACS archives the studies in a standard format (DICOM 3.0) with Oracle database system and the user can retrieve them by an easy-to-use graphic interface. The images and other information stored in the database can be used to edit educational material for medical university students.
dr. Sali Attila,
SOTE, Információtechnológiai és
Dokumentációs Központ
The Semmelweis University of Medicine is not only the largest medical university and hospital of Hungary, but it is an important centre of progressive health care and patient treatment in addition to fullfilling "traditional" educational and research programs. The informatical infostructure that support education, research and health care programs significantly differs from the general university network application - due to the specific requirements. The lecture shall introduce the internally developed Clinical Information System - that provides the diagnostic data on the exact time and place of treatment and it makes the measurment of the effiency of health care and economical productivity possible.
The inhomogenious, open and private LAN of SOTNET on which are being based as an information technology fundament - the systems of treatment and education.
Fulajtár Pál,
Janus Pannonius Tudományegyetem Egyetemfejlesztési
és Informatikai Osztály
Leader Informating System at the Technical Faculty of Janus Pannonius University
The main purpose of introducing the outlined system is to reduce paper consumption and to get hold of complex information service facilities via computer network. The target users of the system are the professors, students, administrative staff and visitors of the university. This system integrates admistrative mailing, document handling and publicating functions and ensures their reliable use. While designing the system, the following important points were taken into consideration: low hardware requirement, low price and possible utilization of the already existing devices.