Pedagógusjelöltek internet-használatának oktatási és személyes vonatkozásai

Lénárd András <>


This lecture reports a new step of a research that was started 3 years ago. This search analyses the effect of Internet on personality. On the previous Networkshop, I have talked about the effects of Internet on children between 6 and 10 and the methodological questions of using Internet. As a sequence of this topic I analyse prospective teachers' habits of using Internet with special regard to role of Internet in their future pedagogic work. I am going to pan out about the question whether students make the best of using Internet during their study, what kind of knowledge they have in connection with networking, and how can higher education effect on the increase of this knowledge. We can analyse interesting habits with monitoring the work of the computer room.

This topic is very interesting mainly because prospective teachers' attitudes indirectly take effect on the next generations, too.