Components of digital art in the education

Cserhátiné Vecsei Ildikó <>

Kölcsey Ferenc Református Tanítóképzõ Fõiskola

As modern technology moves artistic (re)production into the digital age, the way society experiences and appreciates art continues to change dramatically. This transformation brings many fundamental questions to light, concerning educational aspects among others. Because different media lend themselves to quicker and more realistic digital (re)production, we are witnessing how the call from the students side comes for applications of these new techniques. As artists, art enthusiasts, computer programmers, teachers, students or simply members of the digital age, it becomes possible to design and realise complete art works.

In this presentation the possibilities in the Ferenc Kölcsey Reformed Teachers Training College are introduced. There are several subjects where the students have opportunities to attain the basics of the digital art. The topic that the students are dealing with is mainly visual art.

The study program integrates ideas with an interdisciplinary approach to the imaging and digital arts of computer and photography. Students are challenged to understand various media while being directed to think beyond traditional boundaries of specialised technologies or methodologies. Combining theory with contemporary tools, students simultaneously create images while developing the theoretical underpinnings for art in the 21st Century.

This course of study offers an interdisciplinary approach to new methods of image making, in which students develop technical and intellectual flexibility.