Central information systems and development in the Szent István University

Ritter Dávid <rdavid@zeus.gau.hu>

Szent István Egyetem

The newly developed central information systems (management accounting, payroll calculation and student information systems) have laid a charge on the management staff. The normal functionality of the university heavily depends on these systems. To ensure the quality and accessibility of these functions has been turned into primary importance. The growth of the network traffic needed major investments, new hardware equipment and bandwidth expansion. Because of the lack of the educated staff members the management had to develop and maintain remote management techniques and high-quality user support.

In this presentation I would like to describe the experiences of the installation, the management and the performance if these systems, namely:

Management accounting (TÜSZ)

Payroll calculation (BERENC)

Student information system (NEPTUN)

During the installation and the operation the server pool, the well-planned subnetworks and the suitable backbone were the most important parts. It can be seen that the quality of the management and the homogenous hardware equipment are essential to guarantee operability. The unified and precise planning of the management, operation and user support allow the establishing of mission-critical systems in university environments.