Electronic signature in Hungary

Erdõsi Péter <erdosi@itm.bme.hu>

BME GTK Inf. és Tud.men. tanszék, PhD mûhely

The interest and the search for solutions in the field of security of electronic communication is not a new phenomenon. The mathematical principles of asymmetric key encryption have been known for 25 years. After the development of the theoretical background and practical implementation the legal regulation, which is an important criteria of usability, started to develop recently. The statute about electronic signature, the existing regulations and laws under development imply that all regulation limits of the electronic signature may soon be eliminated, and the legally accountable electronic document exchange receives a green light. However, there are some steps to go before extensive application.

The first part of the presentation is supposed to show the current situation of regulations, and raises some related questions. The second part deals with the situation of services and service providers on the market from the aspects of security and applicability.