e-DEVICES and their respective background

Nyeste Gábor <>
Eszterházy Károly Főiskola

The dynamic technological development of recent years requires a thorough familiarity with the achievements of information and communication technology. This need is especially crucial in the education process as no student can be expected to use state of the art technology, if teachers themselves are not prepared to meet the technological and informatics-related challenges of the 21st. century. The Eszterházy Károly College has always placed a special emphasis on high quality and innovative educational schemes based upon mobile communication technology. Consequently, the everyday use of notebook computers not only eliminates technological obstacles and promotes information literacy, but will prepare graduates to disseminate their ICT knowledge to future generations more effectively.

The Eszterházy Károly College launched its Notebook Project in 2007 and by 2008 all instructors and first year students had been provided with portable computers. In order to facilitate unrestricted use on institutional premises several conditions including wireless connections, network access, software, service and support background, along with logistical requirements, had to be fulfilled. While realizing these incidental goals required a significant preparation, institutional efforts establishing the foundations of modern educational technology were further reinforced by successful grant applications. The support service IT team completed its assigned tasks and is ready for the continuation of the Notebook Project.

The purpose of this presentation is to introduce the technological background and future development perspectives of the Notebook Project, while familiarizing the audience with the goals of the INF@TORIUM program as well.