IT audit experiences in the higher education institutions

Bárdos Attila <>
Oktatási és Kulturális Minisztérium

The real, functional integration of the ?integrated? institutions in the higher education established in 2000 is still not a closed procedure.

Informatics is an effective tool promoting integration. Significant developments were achieved in this field in the past 8 years, and are in process for the time being too. The Education Budget ant the institutions themselves made great efforts in the field of the transformation of the IT infrastructure necessary for supporting the administrative, educational and research work.

However, the application of IT tools involves not only advantages but risks too.

Based on the experiences gathered as a result of summarizing the materials of IT audits performed by the Ministry in the last years, and the analysis of the connected data, the lecture ? taking one after the other the control fields concerning the treatment of the main risk components emerging in application of IT solutions ? tries to outline a situation report, which can enlighten the main problems in this field, and the tasks being performed.