Past steps in the teaching of electronic signature

Erdősi Péter Máté <>
Magyar Elektronikus Aláírás Szövetség


Past steps in the teaching of electronic signature

Péter Máté, Erdősi CISA;

Hungarian Association for Electronic Signature

keywords. electronic signature, teaching

The Hungarian Association for Electronic Signature (HAES, MELASZ) made a survey about the teaching of electronic signature in Hungary at 2007. This survey contained the following statements:

A) The electronic signature knowledge is not teached in practice at primary and high schools.

B) The schools have no tools for to teach the knowledge of electronic signature.

C) The teachers have not educated to teach the knowledge of electronic signature yet.

D) The pupils are not familiar with the using of electronic signature in practice.

The HAES ? as it is written in the mission of HAES - supports the dissemination of electronic signature in Hungary and does several steps for it. The HAES evaluated the above survey and wrote an Action Plan to support the teaching of electronic signature. The main elements of this Action Plan are the following:

  1. Support the teaching of electronic signature with hardware and software tools (e.g. signature creation data, smart card reader, signature application etc.)

  2. Guides for teachers (syllabus, handbook)

  3. Developing a training system for teachers (included the educational model and guides)

The HAES has sought strategic partners to achieve the Action Plan in 2008 and has initiated several projects to develop the element of Action Plan. This projects have produced the following results in 2008:

a) Syllabi to 5-12. classes for teaching electronic signature

b) Teaching Guide for teaching electronic signature (13.12.2008, version: 1.0)

c) Cooperation Agreement between HAES (MELASZ) and Information and Computational Sciences Teacher's Association (ISZE) regarding to training the teachers continuously on methodological basis

d) Pilot education project in 10 schools based on the above Teaching Guide

The HAES and his partners would like to extend the scope of this educational project in entire Hungarian Information Society, therefore there are more steps in prepared state. The lecture shows the history of this results and will introduce to the next conception of the HAES for significant growing the use of electronic signature in Hungary.