Effectiveness Analysis of Users of Learning Frameworks

Horváth Cz. János <>
BME Műszaki Pedagógia Tanszék

Large groups of people are acquiring new habits of managing personal and community information as heading toward a knowledge-based society form. The education needs to remain integrated, so the main actors (teachers, trainers and tutors) must be prepared to understand, support and teach these new ways. Teachers have to know and learn how to use these new information management habits and methods.

Recent past in Hungary the professional groups dedicated to help and aid the inquisitive part of the teacher society have gained strength. As a result of this fact several learning frameworks became well-known (e.g.: ILIAS, Moodle). Unfortunately these frameworks are not wide prevalent. Usually some enthusiastic colleagues keep alive these systems supporting the everyday education and training courses. In this article a positive pattern is presented as a fruitful and successful blended training model based on Moodle framework. More than two thousand university students have been trained who are member of a correspondence course or a regular department. We introduce the conformation of operable education organization with personal rules and tasks.

With data mining software technology, we performed a complex analysis of the last complete semester of courses of our department. We worked out satisfying methodology to mark specific ?digital activities? of teachers and students. Furthermore data mining tools helped us to process a method to rate and order courses in learning frameworks. These information help the training organizers to set up following courses in next semesters and evaluate teachers' performance and effectiveness.

Finally we examine new information managing teaching materials (topic maps) which are suitable bases to evaluate ?creativity level? of the users (teachers and students) of learning frameworks.