Supercomputing in scientific research - Future trends in computational molecular systems science

Viskolcz Béla Dr. <>
Szegedi Tudományegyetem

The Department of Chemical Informatics at the University of Szeged and its associated Drug Discovery Research Center is the most sophisticated team to utilize High Performing Computers (HPC) the front line research the effort involves frontiers of Medical and Pharmaceutical Research as well as energy processes irrespectively if it covers dry-combustion technology or wet combustion in living biological systems.

Beyond applied science and technology oriented research, the profile of the Research Group includes theoretical analysis in the fields of Systems Chemistry. From such a viewpoint it has determined that pharmaceuticals of natural origin, like penicillin, behave like intelligent drugs while man-made pharmaceutical products behave like unintelligent drugs. The secret is not related to the notion that anything that is synthetic is by definition, inferior. The secret is related to the level of sophistication. Our research group is now learning from natural how to design intelligen