Electronic Music Library 1.0

Iszály György Barna <>
Nyíregyházi Főiskola, Matematika és Informatika In

The future of libraries is determined by the effective usage of modern technologies. One of these is the computer science which is contains the digital formats. Numerous modern technologies are applied by libraries, but numerous unexploited possibilities are out of usage.

At the moment the music libraries can not use totally the new possibility of computer science because these libraries handle special documents.

One problem is that music libraries use traditional integrated library system, which can not handle the special request of sounding documents. Another problem is that the digitalization procedure and digital service are much more problematic at non traditional documents - like sounding documents ? than printed documents.

I try to give a solving of these problems by Electronic Music Library 1.0 version. This program is developed to handle and serve the digital format of sounding documents. This program would be able to be a basic of an electronic and integrated music library.

In my lecture I present the ideas and aims of Electronic Music Library 1.0 program. I show the way of development and the problems which are come to the surface under the planning and programming. I demonstrate the arrangement and the functionality of program. Finally I show the hidden possibilities of program and the possible directions of development.