NIIF's renowed certificate service

Stefán Péter Dr. <>
NIIF Intézet

During the past couple of years NIIF's certificate service has grown to be one of our most relevant services offered to our user community. NIIF's certificate service basically covers issuing two relatively independent certificate types: on the one hand issuing grid server as well as grid client certificates and, on the other hand, web server certificates coordinated by a TERENA initiative.

In the past 1.5 years it had been an important task to mitigate the two as much as possible in order to offer a uniform-looking interface to our customers. For this purpose a development subtask was released within project TAMOP 4.1.3., which led to the appearance of a Django based web portal that unifies the common parts of the two independent systems. The new portal allows certificate requesters quick certificate request submission, easy altering of the certificate parameters, and also significantly shortens the total throughput time of getting a cert. The new system offers a more sophisticated user authentication mechanism compared to the previous ones. NIIF's eduID trust federation is used to distinguish different user roles.

Even though the number of released certificates has been increasing since the introduction of the new system, we cannot stop the development in 2011 as we plan to completely re-engineer the infrastructure laying behind the grid CA.