The role of libraries in creating the institutional allocation of knowledge – efforts and experiences at SZIE Kosáry Domokos Library and Archives

Sinka Róbert <>
SZIE Kosáry Domokos Könyvtár és Levéltár

This paper aims at presenting the efforts made at SZIE Kosáry Domokos Library and Archives in order to create the institutional allocation of knowledge during the past few years.

In the first part of the paper I wish to outline the effect of the technical milieu on internal working processes.

Libraries have always had a leading role in the allocation of knowledge. Their work done in the background of educational institutions forms an essential part of the success of an institution, however, they occasionally do not profit from its benefits to the full. Libraries often apostrophized themselves merely as accumulators of knowledge, while institutions regarded themselves as the only means to transfer knowledge.

Libraries of the modern era also need to face these old structures with this preconception, and at the same time they have to execute its processes imbedded in a recent technological environment.

Although technology would not imply change in itself if it supported only old methods, but it even changes them and creates new ones. Consequently, the knowledge accumulating and organizing activity of libraries in the information era has not only accelerated but has also been improved with exciting details, which can most frequently be discovered in the electronic services of libraries.

In the second part of the paper I analyse the effect of online services on library sections in brief.

The electronic services of modern libraries were adapted to classic architectures only in the beginning. Present efforts already aim at a technology-supported, institution-level connectionist milieu. Thus, services receive not only the “e”-prefix, but also a connectivist approach: the spread of e-services of libraries changes the information strategy of the whole institution, making isolated developments cooperate.

The third part of the paper emphasises the institutional and educational roles among the knowledge allocation aspects of libraries.

The network of libraries and the education system parallel to it form a natural connectivist mutualism. Connectivism here implies the solutions of technological connection as well as a pedagogic role. Such intensive spread of libraries primarily manifests itself when they gain ground in transferring knowledge, in training.

Modern libraries have supplemented their traditionally existing physical network by a multitude of virtual strata: online library services, e-books, including also the latest trends such as e-learning or e-portfolio.

The one-directional outflow of knowledge has been replaced by two-directional communication, establishing more and more (primarily virtual) ground for a non-formal transfer of knowledge. This “openness” is a natural process and attitude in some cases, and it is reality brought along by necessity in others.

A connectivist library is the centre of allocation of knowledge, the institutionalized form of knowledge networks, it essentially provides an educational institution with content.