History - Anniversaries in Science

Szalay Istvánné <>
MTA KFKI RMKI Számítógép Hálózati Központ

Zimányi Magdolna <>
MTA KFKI RMKI Számítógép Hálózati Központ

"History - Anniversaries in Science" is a web-based anniversary calendar. Every day entries are
presented about famous physicists, mathematicians and other scientists whose birth or death has a round
anniversary (5, 10, 15, etc.) on that day.

Each entry contains a short biographical article together with references to related web documents
about the life and achievements of the person commemorated. The service is based on a searchable data
URL: http://www.kfki.hu/historia

The service was started to give an insight into history of science and to be used in high-school
education. An overview of search facilities is given.