Multiscript records in the ALEPH integrated library system

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ELTE Egyetemi Könyvtár



During the previous year the ELTE University Library celebrating its 450th anniversary changed its integrated university system: it has been switched from HORIZON to ALEPH. With the Senate decision accepting the University Library’s network reform plan, the university aimed to raise – also in accordance with the requirements of the mandatory  introduction  of the unified integrated system – the accessibility of its 3,6 million documents within the unified database from 24 % to 30 %. The University Library set the electronical processing of the literature of the exotic languages as its primary goal. Since these publications were processed on an extremely diverse level and with extremely diverse methods, different possibilities emerged for their integration in the ALEPH. Developing a worth-while and usable catalogue of the documents of the Confucius Institute Library is only possible with the coapplication of the original script and the Latin transcription. Since ALEPH is based on Unicode, it offers a multilanguage and multifont support, the content and the interface can be showed in more than 20 languages. Thus, the meaning of the so-called multiscript records is parallel description: they are records which publish the data (parallely) in two or more scripts, in connected fields. At the moment, within the libraries of ELTE this method is used in the Far-East Institute and in the Confucius Institute. The aim of the presentation is to introduce this practice in details.