
Ránki Sára <>
Szegedi Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar

Not only internationally, but even in domestic domain it can be
extremely difficult to identify offenders in the virtual scene. The
presence and activity committed by the pedophile offenders on diverse
range of web sites and blog spots are investigated with even higher
importance and the chat and blog comments of these type leads to the
dilemma: can these verbal acts sanctioned as criminal activity (just
as in the case of hatred speech)? If so, how can the blogger or
commenter be identified? However not only pedophile criminals are
active on the internet, members of extremist groups and other
criminals can be traced and identified as well.
My study focuses on the technology of linguistic performance surveillance:
When investigating the activity of extremist group activity, an
important point of view is the  justice textual linguistics analysis
and follow-up of any textual manifestation published by the members.
By the analysis of these texts we try to reveal the identity and
activity of the members, where they congregate, what their definite
purpose is and do our best to define the level of threat they might
mean for the country .
In most case there is an alias or illustration beside the text. These
bear remarkable importance whenever they occur: in the first instance
the alias need to examined apart from the text and should be
contextualized only later on. To reveal a trace by the illustration,
the meaning of it need to be deducted, which can be independent from
the original author. So in many cases criminal linguists need to
consult experts of paintings and art historians.
The other method for the observation of a group activity is the
follow-up of blogging activities: either a complete blog content can
be viewed, or in other cases the activity of a certain blog commenter
is in the focus of analysis. These textual investigations are built up
by several steps from the initial collection and organization of the
different nicks and aliases
A relevant vocabulary of the slangs and terms for each group need to
built containing the slangs and terms unique of them, these are
essential to decode correctly these texts.
In case of terms the meaning of which is not revealed, we can turn to
the officials of the criminal investigation to provide us incriminated
texts presumably originated from the group or person to be revealed,
and the previously built vocabulary and the identity linked to our
vocabulary can be tested on that text.
These new analytical linguistic methods provide investigators proven
tools to fight cybercrime more successfully.