Online Service Development in the Metropolitan Ervin Szabo Library

Béniné Virág Mária <>
Fővárosi Szabó Ervin Könyvtár

The Knowledge Repository Express project has ended.

The unconcealed aim of the IT developments made within the frame of the project was to break into the virtual space, to provide electronic documents and to offer remote circulation for remote users. Yet several legal and financial obstacles have to be repelled and the rules for remote use also need to be devised. The purpose of the present lecture is to outline the possibilities.

Unfortunately, libraries are also forced to be self-sufficient, therefore a fee must be installed to provide some remote services, but the intended online payment option makes the procedure convenient and quick.

The new digital modul of the Corvina integrated library system helps the online remote use. The modul delivers the requirements of remote users; it helps librarians doing the working processes of digitization; it manages document-related copyright issues, the standard copying and publishing technologies and the circulation and paying procedures with their administration and statistical assessment.

Library users can buy a virtual library membership card in any part of the world, they can borrow e-books, make a booking for traditional documents, renew their loans and they may access the electronic contents of the library.

In the Central Library personal use is assisted by some locations for self-service circulation.

The contents of the catalogue has also been expanded. Nearly 300.000 items has been integrated from databases of special collections like sociology, literature and town history which were formerly developed isolatedly by softwares that are out of date now.