Vehicle tracking with Telenor Object

Adonyi Róbert <>
Pannon Egyetem

Bertók Botond <>
Pannon Egyetem

Simon Gyula <>
Pannon Egyetem

Telenor Object is a cloud based service able to integrate devices and support Internet based applications. The Shepherd platform is responsible for the management of the the devices. The platform gives the opportunity to integrate additional devices and develop new applications on it.

Objects and assets are often marked by RFID tags, which can be used to identify the tagged objects. RFID tags are also used to limited tracking purposes, e.g. certain postal services provide delivery status of posted items, by providing check-in information at hubs, or the delivery itself. The status information in such cases is rather discrete; the user can see the position of the tracked object only in discrete times (i.e. when and where the item was seen last time).

Our application allows the continuous and real time tracking of objects. The tracked objects are checked in and out of the vehicle upon loading and unloading, respectively. The check-in and check-out procedures are simple RFID read operations with a reader associated with the vehicle. The reader is connected to a Shepherd platform and thus the check-in and check-out times, the asset ID and the vehicle ID are stored in the Telenor Object database. The transport vehicle is equipped by a Telenor Object compatible GPS, thus the position of the vehicle is also available.