Use of electronic notes at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology 'Pollack', University of Pécs

Csehné Kardos Zita <>
PTE Egyetemi Könyvtár PMMIK Könyvtára

In recent years, more and more higher educational institutions have been using electronic notes. This process has been supported by the SROP and other tenders as well.
At the University of Pécs in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology the number of electronic notes has been growing for years now and students use more than 400 kinds of elektronic notes, which they have access to from different sources.

I am looking for the answers to the following questions :

How many different sources must students collect the curriculum from?
What content do the teachers upload : their own presentations, glossary , collections of terminologies, elaborate notes etc. ?
Why do they feel it necessary to upload e-notes ?
Do they use printed materials ?
How often do they update the electronic notes ?
What kind of support does the faculty provide to prepare and store notes ?
To what extent can external viewfinders have access to these contents?
Do teachers offer any other printed materials, or are they satisfied with the content of the e- notes ?
Are students satisfied with the accessibility of the notes ?
What tools can students use to read the new format notes ?
How does the use of the e- library influence the usage of the library ?

I am trying to find the answer to these questions with the help of teachers, students as well as the library statistics .