Usability of Scientific Workflow in Dinamically Changing Environment

Bánáti Anna <>
Óbudai Egyetem, NIK

Kail Eszter <>
Óbudai Egyetem, NIK

Karóczkai Krisztián <>

Kacsuk Péter Prof. Dr. <>
Westminsteri Egyetem

Kozlovszky Miklós Dr. <>
Óbudai Egyetem, NIK, Biotech Lab

Scientific workflow management systems are mainly data-flow oriented, which face several challenges due to the huge amount of data and the required computational capacity which cannot be predicted before enactment. Other problems may arise due to the dynamic access of the data storages or other data sources and the distributed nature of the scientific workflow computational infrastructures (cloud, cluster, grid, HPC), which status may change even during running of a single workflow instance. In a dynamically changing environment like this, during workflow enactment unforeseen scenarios may result in various work item failure (due to faulty results, resource unavailability or constraint violence). Many of these failures could be avoided with workflow management systems that provide more dynamism and support adaptivity to the unforeseen scenarios arising during enactment. The dynamism of the workflow interpretation and management can be defined in different abstract levels and most of the phases of the workflow lifecycle. Our presentation begins with a brief overview of the various dynamism types defined at different abstract levels and time intervals and then we analyze current scientific workflow systems. We compare and contrast these systems from the point of view of the supported adaptivity.