Attack against the RFID tags and possibilities of the defense

Radványi Tibor Dr <>
Eszterházy Károly Főiskola

In this article we are dealing with the connections between nowadays most dynamically improving automatic identification-related RFID technology and cryptographic algorithms. I am going to highlight the attack of the transponders at the end of the communication process and different ways to defeat them. We are also going to dwell on the suitable and non-suitable cryptographic algorithms among the well known and frequently used ones. We are examining them in large groups due to the wide variety of transponders. We separate the possibilities of passive, semi-passive, and active tags. It is important to take the fact into consideration that in most cases defence means averting, but sometimes it means providing the required security for the data. New doors open to complete the pure RFID system-user solutions with integrating other identification systems like biometric identification. Sometimes we take through re-checks via using different communication channels.