Lesson learned from open online courses: organizing and motivation

Fodorné Dr. Tóth Krisztina PhD <>

PTE FEEK (University of Pécs, Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development) has within its talent program 2013 started with other programs two free, open online courses, above all for interested high school students. These courses cover the content of two introduction courses of our degrees, and after proper activities and achievement they are validated as full university courses. This project, hopefully being followed by others is the first step of realizaton not only the faculty’s but also the university’s e-learning strategy, in a form of a grassroot initiation. This is the first training component for the faculty similar to MOOC, and like this it carries every lines of experimental efforts, including its problems and weaknesses.
Enquiry of this two courses, mainly through analyzation of course reports, logs and documents could serve as case study with significant lessons, above all for those who approach electronic and distance learning in a conservative way or those who are uncertain with re-evaluating of teacher’s and educator’s traditional roles. We worked in the courses with high student self-control and low teacher support which proved to be not the best solution. The current way of our courses operation raises the questions of inside and outside motivation during open online courses again and again, especially in regard to activiting electronic learning environment in technological and human sense.