Networks inside out… Next Generation Firewalls

Tekler Krisztián <>
NewCo Trading Kft.

1. Firewalls: Changing excpectations
a. Defending clients, separation
i. What means „my network”?
ii. Accessing resources
b. Separation of protected networks
i. Logical separation
ii. Phisical separation (server rooms)
iii. Network access controlling
c. Controlling communication on protected networks
i. Access handling
ii. Defining commnication channels
iii. Work efficience
iv. Intrusion protection
d. Resource Management
2. Security regulations
a. Applications on protected networks
b. Intrusion protection strategy
c. Accessing protected resources from the internet
d. Accessing resources from protected networks on internet
e. Business continuity
3. What comes first ?
a. Firewall rules
b. Employees privacy
c. Company privacy
d. Workflows
e. Security regulations
4. SOPHOS UTM answers
a. Controlling internet accesses
b. Network resource optimalization
c. Enabled applications
5. Know our network !
6. Firewall rules are easy
7. Internet access controll
8. Application controll
9. Proxy profiles
10. Anonymization
11. Network bandwidth optimalization