The Copyright Aspects of the ELDORADO project

Amberg Eszter dr. <>
Országos Széchényi Könyvtár

The objective to safeguard and ensure the wider but legitimate accessibility of the hungarian national cultural heritage has necessitated the creation of a document delivery system, which provides electronic documents both copyrighted and non-copyrighted. This goal is ensured by the system based on international standards and especially on the automated research of rightholder.

The management of the National Széchényi Library – within the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan - started The National Sytem of Electronic Document Delivery System, Database and Document Storage, shortly spelled as ELDORADO project.
The ELDORADO project is responsible for the creation of a national system, which - in addition to supporting the education and training - renders services in a business model without jeopardizing the interests of the book market participants. Thus it may be regarded as market incentives in support of their activities.

Currently, we are in the middle of the implementation phase of the project (1 Nov 2012 - 31 Oct 2014). The implementation of the ELDORADO project is assisted by operational working groups. The Legal Working Group has mapped the range of necessary legal components of data for ELDORADO, prepared workflow for the management of legal information and drafted the general terms and conditions beside privacy and data management policy.

ELDORADO and the related database components (books-in-print, ISBN, VIAF) was launched and developed in the same way as the EU projects so that to guarantee the compatibility. (The formation or further development of reprographic databases remains to be seen.) The realization of the source database, i.e. the data be uploaded and maintened is an essential condition for the project.

The responsibility of libraries, archives and cultural institutions across Europe is to preserve their collections and provide access to those for the European citizens. In order to make these goals in today's Internet-based society be achieved, we are striving to digitize the collection and make it accessible via internet.
Finding the copyright-holder is essential to publicly accessible collections so that to create new contents. In the current economic situation, in which the cultural funding and knowledge-based services are extremely limited, it is even more important to find effective methods to make the public collections available.

The presentation is scheduled under the following topics:
Brief description of the ELDORADO project
Designs for ELDORADO services and those aspects of copyright
Necessary legal components of data in ELDORADO
The emerging rights management problems and possible solutions