The future of EoD in the mirror of ELDORADO

Vonderviszt Lajos dr. <>
Országos Széchényi Könyvtár

Moldován István <>
Országos Széchényi Könyvtár

The basic aim of the EoD (eBooks on Demand) project was to enable the interested users to order a digitised version of any non-copyrighted book online using comfortable payment possibilities, and to give the possibility for the community to use these digital document free of charge later. The project will be finished in 2014, but the members of the consortium decided to continue this service, and want to cooperate to maintain and to expand it.
The ELDORADO project of the National Széchényi Library, with the main objective of serving copyrighted documents, made commitments to enable ordering digitization of non-copyrighted documents and to serve them.
Natural is the question: is there any sense of living of the two services together, because they have a lot of common points, and on the first sight they seem rather competitors than supplementary services.
In the presentation we discuss this question, and we show that despite of the undeniable redundancy, it is possible to operate these services to achieve better results using the synergies.